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VeeFresh Bundle


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  • Cruelty, Paraben and Fragrance Free
  • 100% Natural, Gluten Free, Filler Free, GMP Certified
  • Quick and Safe Dissolving Capsules
  • Made in USA
  • Over 150,000+ Happy Customers

🌸🍃Elevate your Feminine Wellness our VeeFresh Bundle – a powerful bundle designed to enhance your confidence and comfort, naturally. Our 30-capsule bottle (each containing 600 mg) is your go-to solution for intimate health concerns like yeast infections, vaginal odors, and bacterial vaginosis (BV) as it restores vaginal pH balance. Combine it with our soothing Boric Wash, which complements this bundle by restoring pH balance and delivering relief from irritation and discomfort.

How to use:
- Apply a small amount of Boric Fresh pH Balancing Feminine Wash to wet skin using your hand or a washcloth, create a lather, rinse gently, and pat dry with a clean towel.
- Ensure to have clean hands before gently inserting the BORIC BLOOM™ boric acid in your female private area by using your finger or disposable suppositories as described on the product label. Ensure to wash your hands once more after use.

Boric Wash
✨Boric Acid, Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil , Aloe Vera Juice, Tea Tree Essential Oil, Lavender Essential Oil, Vitamin E Oil and Chamomile Essential Oil

✨made of 100% Pure Boric acid and vegetable capsules

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“It's honestly very therapeutic 😌. I sat on the yoni steamer for 25 minutes and watched TV. I've notice benefits such as less menstrual cramps and i'm more moist 💦❤️”

Keisha C.


How long does it take for my order to arrive?

Your order will arrive in 4-7 days once it has been shipped.

What if it doesn't work?

Absolutely. We stand behind our products 100% and if you don't get the results you're looking for within 30 days we will send you your money back. No questions asked.

Are there any side effects?

Generally no, our products are made with natural ingredients and are generally well-tolerated, but it's always a good idea to read the instructions and use as recommended.

What's the weight limit ?

The weight limit for the Yoni VPOT is 260lbs